Young Professionals in Social Value Informal In Person Summer Networking

Date and time

Starts on Wed, 30 Aug 2023 17:30 BST


The Oyster Shed 1 Angel Lane London EC4R 3AB

About this event

We are so proud to be hosting our second in-person networking event for Young Professionals in Social Value. We would love for you to join us on Wednesday 30th August for a bit of informal networking with some of the best river views in the city 😍. We will be meeting outside the Oyster Shed right on the Thames, (please note this is an outdoor space so you may wish to bring a jacket!) and the Steering Group have a great plan that if the British weather doesn’t play ball we will meet at Leadenhall Market instead. Keep an eye out on our socials to check our exact location, we will be wearing our yellow lanyards!

We are aware this may be some people’s first in person networking, if so please drop one of us Steering Group a message and we will be sure to look out for you to ensure you feel welcomed and comfortable. This event is open so please bring your other young professionals who may be interested in social value.

Please share this with your network and we look forward to finally meeting you in person!

Event Registration

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

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